Chemist (f/m), Code TP09
Laimburg Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry is the leading agricultural research institute in South Tyrol (Italy). By conducting basic as well as applied research we strive to provide rapid solutions to emerging agricultural problems and to develop sustainable strategies for the future.
For research projects within the “Technology Park – Food Science” Laimburg Research Centre is recruiting a highly motivated
Chemist (f/m), Code TP09
to conduct research experiments and analyses as part of the Technology Park Food Science.
Job description:
Main tasks include chemical analyses, including method optimization and method validation, in the field of food science for internal and external projects with state of the art analytical techniques as well as sample collection, evaluation of results and reporting.
- MSc in Chemistry or similar
- PhD, Post-Doc experience or relevant work experience and a strong publication is an advantage
- Knowledge in analytical chemistry
- Experience desired in separation techniques like LC-MS and GC-MS for the determination of primary and secondary metabolites in food and agricultural matrices
- Strong organisational and communication skills
- Fluent in German and/or Italian, good communication skills in oral and written English
- Candidates should be highly motivated, able to work independently, possess good team-working and collaboration skills and support the upcoming activities within the Technologies Park.
Duration of the contract: 18 months
Application deadline: 13.11.2016
To apply, please send your application, referring to the preferred position, including Curriculum Vitae, reference letters, publication list and a cover letter with a brief description of research interests, personal experiences and motivations via e-mail to
Please add the following phrase to your CV, otherwise your application will not be considered:“I consent to the use of my personal data in accordance with the provisions of decree 196/2003”.
For further information, please refer to our website or contact Dr. Peter Robatscher:
Additional information: Within a period of 12 months after closure of the selection process, suitable candidate(s) can be hired in the framework of the “Action plan for mountain agriculture and food technology 2016 – 2022”, depending on demand and availability of additional position(s).
Equal opportunities: The position is open to both genders, Law n. 903, 9/12/1977, art. 1. The policy and practise of the Laimburg Research Centre require that all staff are offered equal opportunities within employment.
Data treatment: All data supplied by applicants will be used only for the purposes of determining their suitability for the position and will be held in accordance with the principles of the Personal Data Protection Code, Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003. By sending the CV and application, the candidate will consent and authorize the Research Centre Laimburg to the use of his/her personal data.
(Ultimo aggiornamento: 12/10/2016)

About Fabrizio Demattè
Consigliere dell'Ordine Trentino Alto Adige dal 2009, referente per la formazione ECM, già referente per il GdL REACH/CLP, RTD.
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